Jumonville Family


Welcome To The Jumonville Family Web Page 



Please check the Family Circle for new information.  We do try to update it from time to time. 


                                    Janet Vazquez                                                     Linda Jumonville

               (1970 -71 High School Senior Year)                   (1966 -67 High School Senior Year)


We thought, "wouldn't it be a great idea to have a family website."  Keeping it easy, interesting, informative and most of all fun, we set out to reconnect everyone via the web.  Pictures from the last reunion are here and if you will just send us information about what is going on with you and/or the kiddies, it will be posted on the "Family Circle".  We will post it, as we receive it.  Also, information about the next reunion will be posted on the "Family Reunion" page.  The reunion will be every other year, as every year may get to be just too much for many.  The various tabs to the "Navigation Bar" are all self explanatory. 

This website is one way for family members to keep in touch with one another.  At the very least, you would have the news as to what has happened within the year, similar to a newsletter. 


                             The above "Navigation Bar"  is bold and easy to read. 


Family Circle:  Will be used if you want to post your honor roll students (children, grandchildren or if you are back in school), engagements (engagements don't mean invitations to a wedding as the Jumonville family has gotten way too big for that) birth announcements, sports accomplishments, etc.   Knowing that you may have immediate family in the military, and/or serving in the Persian Gulft, their names will also be posted here.  Nothing like a prayer chain, especially a family prayer chain to keep family safe.   We want to recognize these young men and women for their service. 

Family Reunion:    Here you will find great photos from the last family reunion and information about the next reunion when it becomes available.

History:  This is a very important page; it is the history of your family.  It is so important to know your family history and the stories that have been passed down through the generations.  If you have any stories of yore and you would like to share them; they will be posted on the history page.

Family Table:  Recipes from "The Family".  Please send in your favorite "Jumonville Family" recipe or share a favorite recipe that you always enjoy preparing.  If you have a story that goes with this recipe, that's even better.

Memories This is a fun page full of memories.  Here you will find wonderful photos of your family from years gone by.  Please snail mail us a copy or e-mail us those great old photos and we will place them on the Memory page.

Contact Page:  Contains the e-mail address that you will use to send us any information and YOUR e-mail address will be kept private and not posted.   


Links to any web pages can also be posted, just send us the link you want on the site.  

When the reunion rolls around, you will have names, faces and a little bit of knowledge. 


"This is strictly a little home web page, published only for you

and will not be published to any search engines, such as Google, Yahoo, Ask, etc."  


A very special thank you to Florence and Peggy for providing so much information on the family tree. 

 The Family Tree will be provided to anyone that would like to have a copy.  It is not posted on the site because of all the personal data.  

Thank you, Thank you, Russell (Butch) for letting us have many of the photos for the memory page, helping out with the "Family Tree" and helping Linda with all her "pixel" problems! 

You can visit Russell's website here:   www.russelljumonville.com

Thanks to all of you for being so gracious when we phoned.   


 Please plan on contributing your news, photos and stories to help make the family website successful.


I believe a wise man once said that laughter is good medicine.  


"A cheerful heart is good medicine, but a crushed spirit dries up the bones."

                                                          King Solomon      {Proverbs 17:22}   


  We hope that you enjoy The Jumonville Family Website and that it brings a smile to your face, as it was built especially for you.



With Love,


Janet and Linda

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