You Are Never Too Old To Have A Good Time!   Come Participate In Your Family Website!  


 You will want to visit often to see what the family has sent in to be posted.  The best way to send us information is by e-mail.   There are many family members that have lived out of the  state of Louisiana for a very long time and then there are those that were displaced after Katrina and are now choosing to settle into their new locations.  This site is a great way for them to keep in touch and to share their news and this is the page to do it. Don't forget to send in your memory photos and stories, also let us know those special events your children are in so we can post  them for the family.  If you have any  photos of the last reunion that you would like to see on  the site, please send them in to us.  If you don't  have a way to scan the photo, then you can mail it to us and we will scan the photo and mail it back to you safely.     

 An e-mail address has been set up through Yahoo so you can send your news, photos and  information to us.  Your e-mail address will be kept private and not posted.   We encourage you to send news of your families that you would like to share and we will post it.                                          

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